As I flick through the pages of this beautiful book
I find something more precious than anything that I may ever overlook
There is something about it that makes me feel special
Something worth more than a gorgeous stone or rare metal
The cover of the album is a baby blue and when I open it, I see written, “I love you”
I am reliving every moment good or bad
Yet my face shows anything but a depressed glance
Nothing else matters as I look into people’s eyes
There are laughing women and happy guys
I flick through my life year by year
And in every photo, I have a smile from ear to ear
An aroma is released as I make my way through the jungle of pages
Like a sunny morning, and a happy life, shared with people of all ages
It sounds like excitement, a happy crowd
A place where families hold hands and gather ‘round
It feels like sore cheeks from grinning too hard
And sore tummies from laughing all night
And when you look up, there is hope written in the sky
It looks like my life all rolled into one
It is my photo album