Mum can I buy this?
With glee I grabbed my guardian
Without thinking about it

Were you lonely?
How I parted with you as I aged.
How we went through journeys together.
I’m sorry,-
That I disappeared.

Did you miss me?
You turned from white like clouds to grey
And blue like sky that faded away.
Our memories piled, all the times we laughed and cried through any weather.

Thank you.
I’ve come back to you that stayed like the Japanese loyal dog, Hachiko.
That stood there with trust and waited for me, waited for my return.
You’re my Gardenia.
You’re the wings that awaken my bravery.
Your presence is my smile, from all the magical memories we’ve created.
From the day that I chose you to the day that I got you.
Thank you, Lucky, I love you.