Mo-Mo, who is he?

Is he the cat who will cuddle me when it is a pitch black night?
Well, he is definitely the cat who won’t hesitate to start a fight.
He may be well known for his soft and cottony fur
An unknown fact is he has a ghastly loud purr.

His gorgeous, glassy eyes provoke mystery
All the same, they’ve seen his life history.
The dye on his foot is accidental,
To this day it still drives me mental.

Although his little lace bow presents him as cute,
There are many cases where he is a brute.
Mo-Mo is so significantly special to me,
This is why he’ll never catch a flea.

My Nana gave him quite charming clothes;
Whenever he wears them his face joyfully glows.
Mo-Mo is as brave as a Lion,
He also possess the scent of a fresh dandelion.

I love you so dearly, my beloved Mo-Mo.