My watch, my watch, that tells the time.
If time was worth money it would be worth a dime
If I put it in a colour it would be blue and black
And the circular space is green, a true fact.

It’s slow as a snail but when I’m not watching it goes light speed!
Sometimes I just wish it would go faster when I looked at it but I guess it won't
Just one thing I could ask just go faster a tiny bit!

Just a quick tip though I wouldn’t be eating if I were you
because it probably wouldn’t taste nice, especially the battery with the acid
You would probably die. I wouldn’t beat anyone for it.

The watch has been in my possession for about three years
so if you have something that you treasure don’t let it out of your sight.
Keep it somewhere safe so you don’t doubt yourself.

When it was bought for me to wear I would wear it for a very long time
until it broke and when that time came it would need to be fixed,
eventually it will come and it will be sad. I wouldn’t dare to break it.