The Buddha itself is encased in a clear plastic shell, surrounded by metal,
The shape is round, an oval with a pattern around the edge of the Buddha,
It feels cold in my hands, as if it were in a freezer until I put it on,
Its colour is silver and grey, it is shiny and I feel great comfort
When I put it on, I feel like it shields me from harm, or staves off
Any potential feelings of anger or resentment.
My talisman bears a resemblance to a turtle, in its shape
And how it shields me, similar to a turtle’s shell it protects me.
The other side holds an image of Hanuman, the Monkey God,
Which is also encased in the metal shell, which provides me safety.
My Buddha necklace is very special to me, my mother gave it to me,
And it has been blessed by the monks in Thailand, wearing it gives me
strength and safety from all things bad on the outside, as well as on the inside.