My Charka Set
By Katie M
Published 14 September 2012
My precious Charka set
Holds seven glistening gems
Each one is different
Like each one of my encouraging friends
Sits proudly on the counter in the kitchen
Where they reflects the sun’s light
Often I open it up and have a look at it
So pretty, they look like they’re from a book
The box is made of strong oak
It was given to my father from mind, body and spirit folk
The first gem is called Seven Quartz Crystal
Clear like raindrops and a spray from a water pistol
Next is Sixth Ametyst which is like a bunch of purple flowers
Fifth Sodalite follows and is like a sky of white cloud towers
Fourth Green Adventurine looks like one hundred acres of grass
Third Citrine is the colour of pure gold
Second Carnelian is like a fountain of lava
Then last of all comes First Onyx that appears like a mountain of ash
These jewels are special to me because they hold part of my soul
That is my Charka Set from head to tail bone.