The sound of trickling water and chirping birds fill the air.
I feel the cool leaves brush my arm as I wander through the bamboo
Tall emerald trees tower over me as the bamboo slowly turns into bushland
Small animals scamper out of my way as I walk towards the stream. 

As I enter the stream tiny fish nibble at my feet
As I walk further the small stream turns into a river.
I exit the bubbling brook and continue walking, spotting some beautiful flowers.
As I am walking I spot a wide colourful valley, full of daisies. 

I feel as though I am just coming to life. 
I could just sit here and look at the view for hours on end. 
Suddenly I hear a rustle in the bush and which breaks my daydream. 
A fiery orange gecko emerges from the bush to bask in the sunlight

He looks at me as if to say, who are you?
Before scampering away into the sea of yellow
As I look into the distance I wonder what lies beyond the hills
I spot two lorikeets fly into the bushland behind me

I turn around and watch the birds fly from tree to tree
looking for a spot to sit and watch
As I watch them I wonder what it would be like 
To be as free as they are