Fragile, delicate and elegant
Soft, still and soundless
Stunning, exquisite and alluring

Shining with the fresh sunlight of a new morning
Smooth like the surface of water on a calm day
Fluid and graceful like silky sand beneath heavy feet
An ancient language etched on its surface
Alive with a myriad of cherished memories which it conceals within its heart

The rock sits gently in the palm of my hand
But it weighs heavily on my past
Reminding me of a place which sculpted me

Of a place where friends laugh, and chat and enjoy the serenity of it all together
Where the oceans assault the beach with wave after wave
Where the raw, fascinating beauty of nature is exposed to the naked eye
Where a sparse and separated community unites together

Yet the sun still settles into the horizon at the end of the day
Creature scurry and scuttle into their holes and hideouts,
Fearing what dangers lurk in the night
The vibrant community relaxes into a soothing sleep
And many enjoy the reminiscent trip back to the mainland

However, none forget the awe-inspiring charm of Rottnest Island
And neither shall my rock, nor I.