A parcel. I lift my head at the sender.
“Tallulah!” I breathe, and stroke her stamp of Italy.
My heart pumps faster, and goes lovingly tender.
A stick encased in salt falls out.
A postcard, from the heart of the Dead Sea.
Dear Phoebe,
When can you see me?
I clasp the card to my heart.
I read the other part.
When can you come to Berlin to see me? It has been four years.
“Tallulah, not to would be a sin.” As I hold back tears.
I miss her, my heart ripped in two.
I wish you could help, but my feelings are stone.
I am slipping away, into a black-out world.
‘Till Tallulah returns.
Tallulah means leaping water,
and she shouldn’t be parted from her stream.
Phoebe means moon goddess, who tried to keep her soulmate close
and failed miserably.
Further away than ever.