My sea snail
Every day he cleans the tank
Like a vacuum cleaner, if you want me to be frank
He likes to slide around, eating all the algae--
To me a strange diet, doesn’t seem very healthy

My sea snail
He’s a bit of a coward
When the yabbie arrived he retreated and he glowered
For defence he shoots inside his thick shell
He treats it as his home, it’s where he likes to dwell

My sea snail
He feels pretty lonely
There are lots of other fish but of snails he’s the only
Some of the time he tries to make a friend
But fish lives are short, they quickly come to an end

My sea snail.
New fish come regularly
A new snail arrived, he said: ‘My name is Charlie.’
They now are good friends, Charlie rarely gets a scorning
But they are so slow, it’s night by the time they say ‘morning’.