My Silver Key
By Matthew T
Published 14 September 2012
On the desk beside my bed
Watching over the room
Is a silver key
Happily sitting on the table
Silver, green and white in colour
An octagonal shape with a loop on the top
9.1cm in length, 2.6cm in width
Smells like the oil in a car
Sounds like a person scraping a chalkboard
I got the key at a place called Morning Glory
My grandfather bought it for me
I’ve had the key for five years
It is special because I got it the day before he died
When someone in my family dies, I hold it
I protect it and it protects me
It reminds me of my Grandfather’s board game – Game of Life
I would cry so much if I lost it
When I grow up, I will bring it wherever I go
I will keep it til the day I die
My silver key