It's all gone into a grinding halt
And i promise it is not my fault
All the other bay burst
All had hail to DRAIN FAFNIR
The ultimate bay has been created
It steal spin
Its rotation is faster than wind
When presented with a fatal blow
It admits a yellow glow
Going to super charge
Though a stamina type
The tip will go down
The opponent will frown
It zips from the attack
Returning to the centre…
Bursting the opponent.
When it was created, all other bays bow
Except… the one
The evil one
Spriggan Requiem!!!!!!
Drain was challenged by Spriggan Requiem
It was a one v one
They both launched so powerful
Hurricanes spun between them
But Spriggan made a mistake
If it wasn't for that mistake
Spriggan could have won...