My Tree
By Neve C
Published 22 September 2016
The tiny drops of rain tiptoe across the leaning branch of the sturdy oak tree
Crystal like leaves glimmer in the mid-day sunlight
Leaves, leaves they fall to the ground as they slowly crumble and fade off into the never ending world
A small leaf dances down to the soft soil of where her feet lay
Leaves filled with ancient memories
Imagine the stories that, that tree could tell
The sunlight playing hide and seek with the green clove ridden hills
The sun glazes her burnt arms
Mountains landscape the glowing blue sky
But all eyes are drawn to the graceful ballerina, gently swaying her arms around to the rhythm of the breeze
A honeydew tears rolls down her face
I run my hands down the rough surface of her skin
It's my happy place, a place where worries are non existent and dimensions are endless.
Its the tree that I grew up with but since then I've moved and now it reminds me of my old home.