I look through the forest and see colours of green, yellow, brown, orange, red and purple. 
So many colours.
I see a glowing blue pond and a waterfall with the sun shining through.
Through the light I see a rainbow has connected to the waterfall.
I hear the sound of the waterfall onto the pond.
I hear the sound of the waterfall and the birds songs, the crashing and the whistling.
The sound of nature.
The sound of the woodpeckers, the trees in the wind, so beautiful.
The mountains in the distance, the green leaves of trees.
In winter all the leaves fall off.
In Autumn the leaves turn brown, red, yellow, and the seasons keep going.
What do you think about nature?
Do you like being in nature?
How does it make you feel?
I love it.
It makes me feel as free as a bird