I rode into a tree now it’s hating me
I wonder how it’s feeling or maybe if it’s healing

I got stung by a bee now let it be gone and free
In the wonderful world of heaven at the time quarter past seven

We hurt nature and they hurt us,
That doesn’t mean we need to have a fuss
We all need to stop and think
And change the world with every blink

We need nature to survive
And nature need us to stay alive
We should always think about harmony
And work together to build up our army
To face all the problems together
And not let it be done by a feather

Let’s stop cutting down trees and polluting the seas
Let’s stop throwing gum on the floor and sticking litter in between doors
We all need to stop and think
and change the world with every blink

I rode into a tree but it helped me up
It said thanks and gave me a hug.