The ancient trees stretched high into the pure blue sky. 

A gentle breeze tickled the tree tops. 

The air shimmered with little stars.

Roots older than time buried themselves in the damp soil. 

The trees whispered, spreading gossip. 

Leaves danced in the golden light to the bird’s peaceful melody.

the sun smiled down through the leaf canopy. 


Lightning strikes, the vibrant orange flames cackled.

The sickening sound carried through through the soot black night. 

Clear bricks of ice rained down from the black sky. 

‘Crraaaaack’ the trees are dying for human’s selfish needs. 

The clan of metal and wood at war rang through the darkness. 

Rain clouds roared with fury.

All is quiet, all is black, nothing is to be seen. 


Humans are taking faster than nature can regenerate. Humans are destroying nature.

Nature is dying.