The thunder screams and bangs as the bright lightning strikes the ground with a thud.
The heavy rain falls viciously onto the roof, with a loud clattering sound.
Pitter patter pitter patter.
As the rain calms, the sun appears through the cloudy mist, as the sky clears.
And a beautiful elegant rainbow comes out.
Soon enough a bird starts to chirp and even more begin to chirp along.
They start to sing as if nobody is watching.
I hear rivers flow and creeks crackle, like a warm fireplace on a cold icy day.
Ferns sway as the cold breeze passes through them with a shiver.
The winds start to rise again as they howl through the tall, towering trees.
I step foot into the majestic forest sending shivers down my spine.
I watch the trees tremble as the tall tremendous people track their territory.
Brittle branches break as the strong freezing wind passes through.
Clouds cover the beautiful bright blue sky in a flash.
The mysterious marshmallow clouds cover the sky's glory as the world turns dark.
Pitter patter pitter patter.
I'm back to where I started.
With the rain falling slowly I feel safe, I feel no one can hurt me.
I feel at home.
I feel like a free spirit.