Dancing in sun showers,

Raindrops on sunflowers.

The wind whistles a long-lost melody,

An ethereal tune which calls to you and me.

Come one, come all,

Creatures great and small,

To whirl and twirl and celebrate with the breeze,

To float upon delicate grass blades with ease.

The flowers raise their golden arms to the sky,

Laughing at the inky blackbirds flying by.

River goddesses call and toss their hair,

Passing the news from here to there.

Whispers echo through the trees,

Heard again in the buzzing of the bees.

For today, a new sapling was born,

Pushing itself up through the ground so worn.

It raises its small face to the sun,

Smiles and waves regally to everyone.

The forest welcomes its newest baby,

Marvelling in the beauty and glory of a tree.