I go for a walk on a sunny day,

I skip through the fields as the trees sway.

I run around in delight and breathe in the fresh air,

As the autumn breeze brushes my hair.

Should we keep it this way? Of course we should!


I go kayaking on the water, stand up paddle-boarding and more,

I push through the tough waves tackling me to the floor. 

The coral is booming with colour, 

marine life living the dream,   

I go snorkeling to look for stingrays downstream.

Should we enjoy it this way? Of course we should!


Suddenly I realize, I’m imagining life, Im imagining perfection, 

for what we actually have needs much protection.

Global warming is real and the effects everyone can feel.

From the lakes swallowing peoples houses to droughts even affecting mouses.

Should we do something about it? Of course we should!


The fields are burning as the world keeps turning,

the water is warming as the sky keeps on storming,

The coral is dying while the bushes are frying, 

Our earth is going downhill and we just stand still?

Its up to us to make change it’s up to us to do good.

Its not a question, Of course we should.