Only The Tip Of The Iceberg
By Chanel C
Published 20 September 2023
I thaw,
Seeping into the empty void below me.
My core,
Slowly becomes exposed as I waste away, like my brothers prior.
What will it take for change to come;
Realise, I’m not the only one.
Polar Extinction, ice turned to water
Thermal expansion, empires to slaughter.
I roar as I fall, I shall not go unnoticed,
But they sit and measure, so nothing will change.
Because to them I am just some ice in the ocean
The ways that we live we must rearrange.
More ice melts, but waters getting warmer
Currents of change, dragging animals under.
To the edge of extinction, pushed to the brink
Pain in their stomachs louder than thunder.
I thaw,
My happiness inside unfrozen in death.
My core,
Has disappeared, my final breath.