There are two sides of Parramatta;
One good and one bad (but that doesn’t matter!)

Chaos there is, unlike anywhere else,
Lights going green and red sounding, like bells!
Pedestrians running everywhere to cross,
Everyone thinks they’re the boss!
A few of them shuffle to the side and smoke,
Just even looking at the sight makes me choke!
Blocking the sun are buildings with great height,
But I strongly believe that this is not right!
On top of that, there is nothing too interesting.
So, I cannot go for a special (a close-by) outing!

That is all I feel there is for the bad side...
As for the good side, there is nothing to hide!

There is no shortage of parks,
Including street lamps when it falls dark!
There’s also a lot of modern architecture,
Matching the excellence, is the infrastructure!
The police headquarters are also there,
Which is why I never see criminals anywhere!
Overall, you can see the evil has got the win...
But Parramatta is still not a poor place to live in!