Bringing foggy thoughts into beautiful actuality
Casting an inky stream of ideas
Unfurling imagination on a whim

A pen
Red, black, blue
A utensil crafted to sprawl and scribble and write and explain
To mould thoughts until they’re physical

Scratching on pristine, white emptiness
With the power to reduce even the fiercest to tears
To set passion aflame in the weakest of hearts
To uproot morals or give life to new beliefs

The red, the black and the blue can never die
Never falter or stumble
Never lose their gorgeous, scribbled nature or untidy, cursive shape
Never be forgotten… or pushed aside

The red, the blue and the black…
The only things that can unbox the intricacies of imagination and the harshness of reality
Cast from a wand that can leak ink more powerful than any magic
That can project words onto blankness… that can cripple or empower…
That have given us more than anything else ever could...