Penghijraan Ketam Merah - Red Crab Migration
By Ayu S
Published 30 June 2022
On the gravelly road
Against the lush, flourishing scenery
Is a trail of air merah
Making its way from the atas to di bawah.
Tidak mebahaya and determined,
Quickly flowing down to the serene water,
Where the offspring – kehidupan baru - await them.
With beady mata hitam focused in one direction
Tajam claws automatically ready to defend
And an exoskeleton keras dan terang
They are as fragile as a friable, dead, kering leaf
They are no match for merciless, vicious kenderaan
Speeding down that very same kotor gravel road
Disrupting the beautiful flow of the air merah
And crushing their defenceless souls.