Lovely. Huh. The term is subjective
Just like brilliant, awful and bizarre
Things of myth, magic and fantasy
A home of dreams, above all else
With passion, elegance and flair
Could be the castle Disney logo
Or have a room for Monopoly

Beauty is withheld for the eye
A power inside of us all
But it differs as we are unique

My house, the mansion of cozy
A snug, red brick residence
Inside the rooms vary in attributes
Small and private, inviting and grand
These could be the same adjectives
For a large fabric tent in a grassland

A mansion of tiles, mounds of pillars
A doorway to heaven
The hideout of angels, a house for all
A beauty unmatched, or so I can say
Through the eyes of bias
I can picture things of dreams
Through this new land of rubbish
Broken tiles and marble chips

My thoughts are easily subjective
A bias flood bursting past
Crushing the opposing buildings
A tsunami to a lone canoe

While the world may criticise
A home will always wait
Watching day and night
Dawn, dusk, sunrise and sunset
But the original idea sticks
Stays with the person’s beliefs
As minutes, to hours, to days pass
The home they know will reside
Down with the four clover leaves