Throughout the vast and barren land, hidden by the tall, lifeless spinifex, came the sun,

Each stride through the hot sand making your feet deliquesce*,

The accretion* of sediments gradually getting broader each passing night,

Oblivious* to the lethal and pestilential* threats to which creatures linger in,

The capacious* desert filling the land with impractical resources,

Not a single cluster of clouds to catch a glimpse of with the scent of freshly cut grass,

The nefarious sun desolating* the surface of the Earth leaving a dry and crisp taste in your mouth,

POW! Trees getting blasted all the way to space, one by one as if they were statues made of air,

The sound of nonchalant* footsteps printing into the sand,

A feeling of curious sensation overwhelming the horizontal landscape,

Spectacles of flawless flowers falling like feathers descending from a bird’s wing,

Gleaming water reflecting the sun’s rays off the placid, resplendent* lake,

The looming bushes camouflaging and supressing* the sound of any movements,

Refreshing breeze whistling and the invigorating* scenery urging you to shift towards it,

The Moon shifting across the sky like a person dancing around in the air,

Cold and vigorous* winds piercing its way through everything existing in its path,

Dim moonlight seeping its way through the millions and substantial* number of thick clouds,

Mysterious animals lurking within the pitch-black bushes with the taste of death around the corner,

The lustrous and dazzling stars winking at you throughout the cosmos,

Time after time, night and day, always ready for a unique adventure each day.