Rainfall falling softly on the jungle floor

Pitter Patter, Splish Splash

Rehydrating Air, filling dry Lakes and Rivers, ending heat

Rainfall falling softly on the jungle floor

Persistent little drops of water bringing life to plants, crabs, birds

Vibrant leaves collecting dewdrops

Fresh drops of water falling into Mother Earth

Rainfall falling softly on the jungle floor

Pure, Fresh, Everlasting

Cooling the suntanned bark of trees

Rainfall falling softly on the jungle floor

Sunlight bringing seawater

Up, up! Seawater forming into clouds. Shedding salt

Clouds growing heavier, wearier, darker, stormier 

Then finally - Splish, Splash!

Down pours the rain on the jungle floor

Down flows the rain from the stormy clouds

Down spreads the rain from the jungle trees. Down, Down, Down!

Then finally- rain stops falling on the jungle floor.