The lush evergreen carpet was rolled out at the birth of the stars

Covering the globe, hugging the barren earth

Vines and leaves sprouted through sparkling snow

Forever encased, forever preserved 

By the sun, the rivers splitting open the crust


The creatures unfurled from their tight embraces

Taking curious steps into the outside, cautious of what

Lay ahead

Their eyes wide like diamonds at the beauty of it all

Yesterday, today, tomorrow


But then crept darkness, a curtain of ebony 

Ripping with its merciless talons 

Crackling and tearing apart the wisps of a dream

Unknown to those who never knew, because of it

They’ve turned away, breaking themselves to pieces


A single dewdrop falls from the last pink petal 

Robbed by those who were meant to care

Reflected in the rainbow water 

The faces of humanity, their damage done 

It splashes across the broken floor, immune to empty promises.