The dolphins swim in circles,
trapped in their glass ocean.
The colours change around them,
but the creatures are a constant.

When I found it, the ring was orange,
fiery as the setting sun.
If I'm green with envy or tickled pink,
It'll know before I do.

But now it's at home, colours unseen,
because right now, I'm content,
and no object in the world
can tell me otherwise.

This poem was highly commended for Poetry Object 2013

Judge's notes:
Here’s a difficult question: Are you always the best judge of your feelings, or can other people know
them before you do?
This poem illustrates the puzzle using a mood ring—an object that’s meant to foresee the narrator’s moods. Different feelings are rendered in different colours, making this a poem that consistently uses an extended metaphor.

~ Rachael Briggs, Judge, Poetry Object 2013
