As my feet walk upon this crystal beach,

I can hear the crunching of the shells and stones beneath my feet.

I see damp and dry stones,

The smoothness tickles my feet as I listen to the sensational trickling of the

Spiralling waves hitting the smooth pebbles.

I wish I could stay in this moment forever.

I look around at all the sights,

I see the warm and cold stones being lapped by the tide.

I see the pebbles rolling gently towards the spiralling waves,

And I hear the plopping of the stones hitting the shimmering seabed.

Sparkes of froth burst from the depths of what lies within the most gorgeous site.

I feel connected to the sea as though it is drawing me in, and I feel

Quite safe wrapped tight in the ocean’s arms.

But now I must go until we see each other again.