Is anybody there?

For I have entered Doom’s lair!

I scream in fright as the twigs and bushes chase after me,

The merciless iced east winds knife me, and the Forest tries to eat me alive.


Doom sneers as I run,

Deeper and deeper into the undergrowth,

The stars disappearing one by one.

Am I being foolish?

Or will I finally land somewhere?

Running and running and running, legend says that I would land,

In the safe arms of my mother and father, wrapped in blankets warm with glee,

Or land in the claws of Doom!


The trail seems endless, making me tremble

The trees tower above me, and I hear a fluttering sort of noise.

What could this be? Will I drown finally!

But instead, I feel a feather.

But… how could this be?

Oh, I thought this would end in tragedy!

A smile draws upon my face, as I feel freedom resting on my shoulders,

A little bird! Ah yes! That’s it!