Trees swaying in the morning breeze, calm until they hear the deathly sound.

Swaying wildly in the ferocious, storm winds, whipping the sky with its long branches.

They survive storms, but there’s one thing they can’t run from.

The deathly saws.

Chainsaws come to take the trees.

Saws roar and trees whimper,

Forever taking, never stopping, stealing the lives of innocent trees,

Humans never stop for breath, the chainsaws cut, the mighty trees fall.

Greedy and harmful, the old trees' fate was sealed.

Trees crashing and smashing down, down, down onto the ground.

Animals of all types, masked owls, birds alike, all come home to empty plains, a home no longer.

Sadness falls over every bird, their home is gone.

Now planting carefully, the people revive the animals' habitat.