In forests deep and oceans wide,
Where rarest creatures seek to hide,
A silent plea echoes through the land,
To save the endangered, hand in hand.

From tigers prowling in the night,
To gentle giants in fading light,
Their habitats dwindle, their numbers decline,
Yet hope still flickers, a spark divine.

In jungles dense and savannahs vast,
Each species is part of nature's cast,
Their songs, their colors, their beauty rare,
Are treasures we must lovingly share.

Let's raise our voices, let's take a stand,
For the creatures of this wondrous land,
With every effort, big or small,
We'll answer their call, we'll heed their call.

For in their survival, our own is tied,
Let's be their guardians, side by side,
With hearts united, let's pave the way,
To ensure they thrive, both night and day.

So let's rally together, let's spread the word,
For the endangered, let our voices be heard,
With love and action, let's make our goal,
To save these creatures, heart and soul.