A scarlet glimpse gliding through the midnight curtain, 

Black in the moonlight silhouette with a spirit in the rising sun,

The vivid Eucalyptus trees stretch towards the pink fingertips of the everlasting horizon, embracing a small bird.

In the midst of the air, a lifeless tangerine glow slowly perishing, disappearing in the moist Earth, 

The Scarlet Robin twitters with arrogance "Look at my feathers!" 

He greets the elderly mother of the forest, The Big Oak Tree, before the dew on the foliage drips on him, 

As the clear glass stream flows freely, longing for fun he counts 1, 2, 3, 4, 5.

I’m the Scarlet Robin 

Then, day comes and the heartless humans come and shatter the souls of the forest spirits, 

They tear down the homes with their heavy iron axes leaving nothing behind but dust and sand. 

Finally, the atmosphere grows dark and Earth takes revenge, 

The sky cries longing for the voice of the loved ones buried in the core of  their treasures

As the waves lapping on the shore go back to their polluted life he counts 1, 2, 3, 4, 5.  

What's going to happen?