I sit here until he gets Home,
I can't move without him I am drained,
Sometimes he is tired and moans when he gets home,
When we play there is no doubt that I am weightless like a cloud,
'Whhooossh' he hits me as hard as he can 'OW',

I am built to do this but I can get hurt,
I am like the sun a little red ball,
But my size doesn't matter I can be a bull in a China store,
Whack, Whack, Whack, I am small but powerful,
I soar through the sky scraping the sun,

Sometimes we go to the park,
Which takes forever to get to,
Sometimes it gets dark and we have to go,
Sometimes he hits me into the pool and I get wet,
Sometimes its gets as hot as the sun but some reason he still plays,

When he hits me and misses I charge through the fence like a bull,
But when I hit the fence it punches you hard,
I am hit and start to deflate I am no longer full of air,
This is the moment that when I get thrown out and replaced,
This is the moment when the fun ends.