Spike's Feather
By Emily C
Published 2 August 2018
A feather from a rooster, Born half blind on
Christmas day, in December of 2015
Equally as adorable, if not more adorable than his
Friends, yet he seemed to me the most Gentle, falling asleep as he walked.
Happily, I scooped him up and claimed him as mine,
Just as my cousin decided she wanted him, but
Knowing I wanted him more, she stepped down.
Later, around two years after he hatched,
My Aunt decided to sell her chickens. “No!” I yelled in protest.
Of course, my word counted as nothing. After a short
Period of time, I returned to my Aunt’s farm,
Quietly wishing she had changed her mind. But alas, I found my
Rooster in a cage, ready to be driven to his new home.
Silently, I reached my hand into the cage, retrieved a feather, and
Touched my rooster, Spike, for the last time.
Unable to hold back my tears, I ran into the house,
Vastly upset, however, despite my great sadness,
I knew that I would always have the feather from his Wing.
I knew I’d always remember the Xilinous feel of his feathers,
Yet nothing could get rid of my deep sadness whenever I thought of him, being the
Zany rooster he was.