Stuck in my house, nowhere to go
I feel completely trapped.
Things on my desk, aligned in a row
I'm going to learn to adapt.

Virus, oh virus. Where did you come from?
You dropped over Sydney, just like a huge bomb!
Please go away, you bring us mis-er-y
You've kept us from seeing our dear friends and fam’ly.

Although, you've brought us too much grief,
There's one thing you cannot stop.
The blooming of flowers, and bright green leaves,
Put into vases, with stems freshly chopped.

At least we can walk with flowers on paths,
Twirling in the wind and swaying
And watching ducks waddle into crystalline baths, 
Splashing around and playing.

Spring, oh spring, the best time of year.
The season of colour and bloom.
A display of beauty, brings many cheer,
Nature is the opposite of gloom.

Running around big green wide ovals,
Where dogs bark and play.
Although we're forced to adhere to local,
The nature can make our day.