In the forest, it’s boiling;
The humidity is high.
The sun overpowers us,
Smirking in the sky.
Cicadas clitter to deafen us
The crickets add themselves too,
In Summer, the forest shelters loud chaos and fuss
In Summer, the forest’s a hellscape in view.
A white fog will fill the air in Summer
Scorching the animals’ throats
A red flower will sprout from a pile of leaves 
Burning plants and animals’ coats.
A horde of mad creatures 
Will flee in quick haste
Screaming and hooting in fear;
Ash and soot is all they can taste,
And crackling and roaring they hear.
The fire, created by careless, cruel humans
Shall burn down the beautiful woods
All the lush, green dewy trees… gone. Gone in an hour.