I was excited, but on the surface, a bit nervous, do you recall when you observed us? 
I remember being unprepared - slightly scared, running around the house scraping whatever supplies I could find. 
But still -  in my mind, I was upright with delight, running out the door towards a fresh start. Excitement bubbling inside me like a fizzy soda ready to *explode*. 

I remember the auditorium - it felt like a memorium. 
Filled to the brim with parents and their wide-eyed adolescents. 
I sized up those around me, who could I see? Good swimmers? Is she the one that glimmers? Who would be my friends? Those friends who back bend. In the back of my mind, sitting in a box - surely, I can handle this workload? 
“We’ll spread it out. We’re going to focus on the learning, the assignments are unconcerning,” they replied. I don’t like it. You don’t say what you mean. 

The workload begins to creep up, like a child turning into a grown up - but I NEED a heads up. You keep throwing things at me like, french, swimming, music, netball, science, english, maths, geography, tech, christian studies, art, assignments, homework, sport… Everything is screaming at me! 

The pain - I don’t feel sane. Can you explain what is happening to my brain? I think I’m going insane!! 
It’s this struggle, because I’m trying to juggle.. with this workload, you know? 
There is too much pressure, because you’re trying to measure, my dear professor, my performance. 

We always do our best and you think it is minimal!
I mean really; do you think we are all Einstein?

School, it’s meant to be the best years of my life. Yet I’m in this strife! Despite my effort, my days are now rife with assignments and homework. Weekends used to be my best times of the week. But now I feel weak with no voice to speak. 

1 in 5 are depressed. We are feeling pressed. We are distressed. We are beginning to regress because of this mess you are trying to “assess”. Come on teachers, we need less! Less stress, less tests. Because we’re no longer feeling our best. 

The pain - I don’t feel sane. Can you explain what is happening to my brain? I think I’m going insane!
It’s this struggle, because I’m trying to juggle... with this workload, you know? 
There is too much pressure, because you’re trying to measure, my dear professor, my performance.