Humans aren’t the only ones who demand war.

The balls of fur on the blue firmament are darkened into a swollen grey,

And seagulls applaud the raging seas as they fly across the battling bay.

The ocean too, asks for more.


The sun is no more tap-dancing by the shore.

The waves’ vehemence drives them on, colliding into each other,

As others in line prepare in hurry, ready to take on another.

 The merry mood is no more.


Would you dare to ask for more?

Ships are merely tossed paper, losing grasp of control,

As gale encourages the worsening battle, unleashing its complete soul.

The answer is no, and that’s for sure.


Turbulent and tempest, a raging fighting roar.

A foamy substance scatters the sight, a sign for all who were gone,

And while the stormy battle continued, they took a second to mourn.

The strength and the persistence; who wouldn’t adore?