When dawn arrives, the forest awakens

Frost coats the leaves, biting the tips of grass

Dew rests in webs like diamonds against midnight black skies

Winds whip the strong, dark and rough bark off trees

Roots dig deep into the brown rich earth

Birds take shelter in the safe hollows of trees

My eyes feast on the textures of the forest

Animals scuttle in the undergrowth

While flowers bloom a rainbow of colour

In the afternoon light, birds dance in the open

A soft breeze rustles the twirly leaves of a fern

When the sun comes to rest the moon rises

And the hoots of an owl, mark the start of the night

Flowers wilt like broken twigs, awaiting the morning sun

Foxes wake and sniff the nighttime smells

Juices drip down branches, leftover from the bats

The moon is a spotlight, shining on nature

I hear flapping overhead, the crunching of animals eating

While raindrops patter on a green leaf

The true beauties of our world