The Beauty of Peace
By Marli S
Published 4 August 2022
Look up and see the trees swaying,
Notice flowers blooming, feel the sun shine on your face.
Hear the soft crunch of leaves underneath your feet.
See the song birds straying, while you’re praying
you never have to leave the peaceful scene, there is no overstaying.
Slowly drop onto the ground, feel the fresh dirt all around.
Hear the whipping wind slowing down.
Flatten your back across the grass,
there is nothing surrounding you, not even glass.
The wind has settled to a low blow,
the sun has almost fallen, creating a dim glow.
The sun is now at rest,
the fireflies are at their best.
The moon has no gloom
as the flowers no longer bloom.
The shadows stretch across the long green grass,
plunging the peaceful world into darkness.
But alas, the world is happy.