The trees smelled like eucalyptus. And the sand rock was wet because of the raindrops falling off the leaves. The rocks were slowly melting because they were wet. And the sun was very hot so that it was reflecting on the rock for it to melt.


The tree was surrounded by dead leaves and other lonely trees. There were ants burrowed under the tree. They would come out every day they would come out looking for food. To eat and survive and they hide low after they found food.


There were burrows in the tree and the owls that lived in the tree were loud. Every night they would hunt a possum and give it to the owlets. For their survival and the parents would also have the food to keep out starvation. And they would be alert too because there are some predators that can hunt them.


The tree would get visitors every day and the visitors are snakes, bats and other dangerous animals. The tree knows that his days are numbered, and he will die. But he is happy because he has made homes and helped people breathe. And made the world happy to be alive and he hopes in the future the world will be perfect.