The Collectors Item
By Sarah M
Published 11 September 2019
From the land of fantasy
Once a Shark, now an eel, a Wolf eel.
The head still as a rock perched on top of the highest mountain.
Unable to move until freedom of eyes
drift away from the statue.
Once a favourite toy. Loved until a broken heart had begun.
A collector’s piece. No such thing as that when it was laid
Into the soft delicate hands of an awed child.
Its priceless past speeds like lighting,
now something new a doll,
from the past has begun a new life.
A demanded doll still upset about the broken heart that was lost.
Passed down through many generations, no one willing to give her up.
Two fingers disappearing into the never land. The future has turned into reality.
A mystery has started what is the never land?