A ray of yellow sunshine,

As bright as a canary,

Trillions of little fluffy pom-poms,

Bobbing daintily in the wind.


I gaze at the intricate sunny blossoms,

So pretty and so fair,

With their sweet, inviting fragrance.

I reach out and touch the soft, shaggy flowers, they tickle the tips of my fingers.

The tree feebly rustles as the wind gently blows,

A tranquil sound surrounds me.


The plant is teeming with life.

A place that many call home,

Little bees, birds and ants congregate to relish the sweet, saccharine nectar.


Could be a small tree or a large shrub,

Filled with exquisite, dense, foliage,

Drops flower in summer and blossoms come winter and spring,

Its leaves are evergreen and fernlike,

Varying from deep greens to elegant light ocean tones.


The floral scent fills me with happiness, peace and content,

I am filled with hope and glee, thanks to this beautiful tree.