She journeys,

in awe of the wondrous world around her.

She sees

the vibrant greens of ferns and bull kauri, the dappled sunlight, the twisting vines;

creeping, crawling.

She smells

the damp earth, the decomposing leaves, the tangy scent of fruits and animals;

unseen, unaware.

She hears

birds overhead, whooping and whistling melodic tunes, the distant trickling of a stream;

promising, purifying.

She feels

humidity clinging to her hair and clothes, fuzzy moss on rough bark, the nip of a mosquito;

invisible, irritating.

She tastes

the tart bitterness of a Davidson plum, thirst upon her tongue, sweet serenity and hope;

glimmering, growing.

She journeys,

in awe of the wondrous world around her.