Once again it waits, ever so quiet and still, 
It was happy to feel its venom glands refill. 
So now it was ready to continue that night, 
The practice of make, wait, trap, eat, survive.  

As an unknowing beetle scuttles onto the very thing it had been avoiding,  
The eight-legged killer leaps out of its hidden hole, its mind rejoicing. 
It grabs the poor insect into its deathly embrace, 
Taking its life away from its race. 

Now yet another soul rests in the grave of the Earth. 
Such is the way of the arachnids since their very birth: 
Make, wait, trap, eat, survive. 
Five wonderfully true facts that nature needs to thrive. 

After devouring its delightfully delicious dinner, 
The furry assassin creeps into its hole like a prisoner. 
But a prisoner is anything but that dangerous creature, 
The preciseness of its kill is its most fatal feature. 

As the moon’s warm glow illuminates the night sky, 
A silk trapdoor protrudes from the ground that looks sly. 
For beneath lies a creature that changes insects' fates: 
The great trapdoor spider now awakes...