The wish to be infinite,

The cry of the forest,

Boundaries shrinking to the size of an ant.


The lone cat gazing,

From the fence circling our life,

Wasps hunting and cicadas forming alliances,

As the sky gets dimmer.


Sunshine? When will you come again?

Our voices trembling in union with the countless squawks of birds,

Magpies, cockatoos, lorikeets and noisy miners,

Their trees chipping apart.


For how long will the cat watch as life disperses the forest,

Rustling of leaves as they glide to bare ground,

For how long will it all last?


The breeze passes a barren land,

Stumps covering the surface; the forest was now ash,

The lone cat's gaze fades.


As it dashes,

It was as much as a bad omen,

As the black cat.