The Great Barrier Reef
By Thomas F
Published 21 September 2022
Bursting through the endless blue,
A reef of vibrance and iridescent hue.
Schools of fish with colours galore
Dart across the ocean floor.
A green sea turtle, gracefully swimming,
Above the vast reef that is bustling and brimming.
Slowly flapping its flippers to an inaudible beat,
Searching the coral and the rocks, for a jellyfish treat.
Not even at night does the wondrous place sleep,
While the tired fish don’t dare make a peep.
As Grey Reef Sharks hunt, but do not ever wreck
The fish population - they keep it in check.
But then, look again, and the coral is bleached.
Because there is something that we have finally reached -
The point of no return is at hand -
And it will cause death and destruction wherever it lands.
But we are refusing to turn over a new leaf,
Even if it costs us the world’s Greatest Barrier Reef. 🪸 🐠