Upon good ol' trees and motherland fields,
The everlasting life was still quite real.
From creeks and rivers, skies and mountains,
the Creatures of Sonaria rest in peace.

The ferns, the moss, everywhere it grows,
while the creek men toggle their rows.
The light and radiance, fills the air,
Leading the spirits to their heir.

Flowers blooming upon the fields,
Spring has come, good as new.
As the lands came to a dew,
Couldn't it really amaze you?

The masters of the sky,
the creatures that went sigh.
They were the keepers of this land,
Across cold rivers and desert sand

God heavens the mother, who was proud after all these years,
as everyone sat down upon their rears.
And still, upon the good ol' trees and motherland fields,
the pain and sorrow were still at nil.