Water trickles down towards the bulky rocks,

Rocks humming as they receive the message from the hazel water,

Twigs joyfully glide towards the cul-de-sac.

Soft foam has been generated like the winter mist.

Water evolving, water is getting faster.


Grass cleaving from the string rocks as turbo as the speed of light!

Rock balancing, pleased not to glide down the creek,

Twigs are snapping in half from the bottom of the root,

Nothing can stop the fast, extreme water,

Water is getting faster.


Rocks as soggy as wet laundered clothes,

Foam from the water is covering the entire creek making the water invisible.

Water is getting faster.


The speedy creek has experienced its full evolution,

As the fluffy water is exploding with happiness,

It is thundering towards the big rocky barrier.

As the creek is unstoppable!

Water is getting faster.